Ballard LibraryAdd your own pictures

Ballard Library

Ballard Library
Bohlin Cywinski JacksonBrowse all buildings by Bohlin Cywinski JacksonBrowse all buildings by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
SeattleBrowse all buildings in SeattleBrowse all buildings in Seattle
United StatesBrowse all buildings in the United StatesBrowse all buildings in the United States
Building type
LibraryBrowse all LibrarysBrowse all Librarys
Year of completion
2005Browse all buildings from 2005Browse all buildings from 2005
22nd Ave N.W. 5614, Seattle Washington 98107, United States
Floor area
3000 m²Browse 3000 m²Browse 3000 m²
Source States/Seattle/Ballard Library


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